Product Photography

bannana copynike

I have turned in two pictures. One of my photos is a banana sitting in a white background. My other photo is my black Hyperdunk Nike shoes. For that photo, I combined three different pictures of different angles to show different views of the shoe.

When I took the banana photo I wanted it to look like an advertisement. I wanted to make it look like you want to eat it. That banana doesn’t look too tasty though. I notice this photo looks cool because nothing is distracting in the background. The yellow in the banana draws your eye. The white background helps you focus on the object. My feelings when I took this photo were that I need to get this photo in rule of thirds or some type of composition. I also wanted to eat the banana, but I had to hold back and stay strong.

The picture of my banana is in rule of thirds. It attracts your eye immediately. It also attracts your eye easily because the background is solid white. The pictures of my shoes have composition also. The very left picture has leading lines because the Nike symbol. It leads you through the image. The very right picture is also leading lines. Composition has helped me a lot. I could’ve just took a picture of a banana straight on, but it would look uninteresting. The composition helps it look more professional and.

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eating cereal copy(Top Left) I got hungry so I decided to get cereal. I got the cereal bowl and cereal out.

(Top Middle) First I had to put the cereal in the bowl. This is the result of me pouring the cereal into the bowl.

(Top Right) Secondly, it need milk. I am pouring the milk into the bowl and almost ready to eat.

(Bottom Left) I need something to eat it with. I put the spoon in and ready to eat.

(Bottom Middle) I am eating the delightful cereal and loving every minute of it. The marshmallows were my favorite.

(Bottom Right) I finished my cereal and drank all the milk. I liked the milk.  I set the bowl down and took a nap.

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I cloned two pictures. First, I created a background layer. Then I selected the clone stamp. I found the part of my image i wanted to clone then I pressed the Alt button. Then I just put the mouse where I wanted it to be cloned then I pressed the mouse and made the clone. For my combining image I first selected the magic extractor. I cut around my image and then I moved it my other image. I combined them.

I chose to clone the picture of the fish because the background and lighting was the same. I thought it would look like more fish were in it. I cloned the flower image because it would look like it was just the same type of flower beside it. My combining image is a football in the Colts stadium. I made it look like the football was thrown into the audience. I decided to do that because I thought it would be creative and I love the Colts.

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Combining Images

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Letter Photography

For this project I had to crop my images. I cropped them 2.0625 in. by 3 in. so they would fit in the file. I used 300 resolution. I made the file an 8 by 10. I made an half an inch space between the first letter and end of file. I also did this for the last last letter. I made about a 1/4 of an inch space between the first two letters.

My verse is Romans 1:16. This verse is very important to me. We as Christians should never be ashamed of the Lord. We have the freedom of religion so we should take advantage of that. We need to go and tell everybody about the Word of God. If somebody asks you if you are a Christian, you should tell them you are because you are not ashamed of what God has done in your life. If you are on God’s side then it doesn’t matter what other people think.

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IMA Photos

I have 4 photos of good composition. I took all these photos at the Indiana Museum of Art. I really like these photos.

I really like the picture of Dillon sitting on the bench. He was not posing for the picture. He just sat down and I took the picture. He is looking the in the opposite direction. It might make the viewer want to know where he is looking. The pictures of Dillon and Dawnyale are nice because they are silhouettes. I knew they would be when I took them. I saw the sun beaming down so I decided to take pictures of them and it worked out.

My favorite picture is of Dillon making a silhouette. It is in worm’s eye view and the sun is in rule of  thirds. My picture of the white flowers are in rule of thirds and have repetition. The picture of Dillon sitting on the bench is in rule of thirds and had repetition of leaves on ground. That picture clearly shows his surroundings. The picture of Dawnyale on the tree branch is in worm’s eye view and rule of thirds. When people look at these pictures I want them to think that I make pictures look interesting and taken in a different perspective.

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My portrait is split into three different pictures. They are of Dillion. He is posing in different positions in each of them.

When I took this picture I tried to make the lighting look interesting. I wanted to use side lighting or back lighting. The picture captures what he looks like. I got his front, back and side view. I like the lighting on these pictures.

These pictures have some composition in them. They have rule of thirds. This picture could be used as a senior picture. The lighting really helped these photos.







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Backlighting photos

The picture of the guy standing there in front of the pole is my better photo. He is standing there and the light was flashing behind him. It was dark outside.

I chose to use this photo because it had good composition and it had good backlighting. His hair is lightening up and it looks cool. I was outside when I took the photo. I saw the light post and I thought if I got him standing in front of it the light would be a backlight. It was dark outside when I took this picture.

This picture is using worm’s eye view. This shows that I put thought in to this image. My other photo is in rule of thirds. I really thought this was one of the more difficult ones, but I still like my ending results.


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Action Photos


I have two pictures. The first one is of Starla spinning the hoola hoop. The second picture is of my brother dunking  on a basketball goal. He is making a crazy face which makes the picture look action.

I chose to take the picture of Starla spinning the hoola hoop because it would be different and cool to get the hoola hoop spinning. You can  see how it actually spins. I took the second picture of my brother dunking. I took it because I love basketball and so does the person in the photo. He really wanted to see how the camera would capture him in mid-air. I was at my friend’s house when I took this picture. I play on this basketball court a lot. It was getting dark outside when I took this picture. It made it look really cool. When I was taking this picture I was thinking of when to take the picture. You have to take it at the perfect time. It’s all about timing. I picture could be effected by just one second.

In this basketball picture I am using rule of thirds. The rim is rule of thirds and he is in rule of thirds. It look interesting because he is flying in the air. He draws your eye because he is the rule of thirds.

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Meaningful Photos

cool beans

In this picture is my IPod touch. I got this IPod touch for my 15th birthday. This is something I use almost every day. I have my pictures, music, and games.

I picked this image because it has a lot of memories with it. I have pictures from vacations, holidays, and special events. Some of my pictures bring back memories that I laugh about. I have music on it that I enjoy listening too. The music helps me get through the day when I’m sad or bored. Before I took this picture I was actually using it. I thought I use it a lot so I should take a picture of it. When I took this picture I was thinking about which angle I could take it at.

In this picture it has a different angle you wouldn’t ordinary use to look at the object. It is using Worm’s Eye view. It also has leading lines in it. The apps lead you through the photo.

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